Despite what even some scientists say, that we will run of of cyberspace the way we have empty holes of space between folders that are not aligned properly, or a registry, that needs a wash every now and then, technology will take over the world; don't you think it has already?
We have robots that vacuum floors and digital dishwashers, besides those digital voices when we call a store to connect us to a particular department. We have so much technology, while we can't picture a world without it, we can't envision any more. It is difficult to keep up with it all; we should all have our personal computer guru, the way many of us have cleaning ladies or lawyers! Gone are the days of peeling potatoes manually, or fixing a car that isn't digital. Computers and DVD players have changed and what once was big and bulk, come in smaller packages.
Can you imagine a world without cell phones? Does technology take over our soul and enable us to become addicted to every electronic device that plugs in? Has it made our world easier, or more stressful, because of all the choices and devices and emails to delete? I almost think that it has taken over the world already!
Information is what we thrive for because the more that we have, the smarter we feel, whether we understand it or not. We have financial literacy, being taught at a much younger age because the world of finance has become more complicated. We have information technology where knowledge becomes powerful for us. Report cards at school are now on the computer, as lessons are integrated into each other via webcams, wikis, and webcasts. I don't think that blackboards are used today in school, other than to cover them up a "word wall"!
We get digital information quickly over the wires, news faster, tornadoes warnings earlier, and satellites that expand the possibilities. Technology that was once unaffordable as the television when it first came out, is possible for all lifestyles. Camcorders are smaller, as are digital cameras, answering machines are a must as are phones in our ears as we walk and talk. Etiquette on using these devices should be thought about, however, in this generation of a rude society. As the technology depleted the manners of the human race, where at one time that human voice on the end of a business phone had to be pleasant?
Technology has taken over the world when people either don't know the rules or do not follow etiquette, while using technology, such as a cell phone in a restaurant. There is a growing need to have to be in touch with people all the time, and it has backfired, because our bosses can reach us anytime, day or night. Online college course is a "must", crock pot, convection ovens, and the drive-through fast food chains have replaced mom or grandma cooking dinner, and children's sports schedules have eliminated that dinner time conversation.
Will technology continue to rule us and take over the world? Well, let's see. Do you really think that the information highway will be under construction or come to a dead end? Remember, we don't have to "fall off", as long as we are aware....that the earth is round!
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